White Paper on Fright Night

I was asked to be a bit cagey about what project I was working on in Albuquerque, but I prepared a White Paper on it called “End-to-End Workflow and Recommendations Following Digital Shoot for Fright Night.”  For those who pay even casual attention, it should be pretty obvious that that project was the remake of the 1985 vampire bite-’em-up “Fright Night.”  The 2011 version was shot on RED ONE in 3D.

If you would like a copy of the White Paper, please feel free to email me at c.andrews@sixteen19.com

We are one of a very select group of companies that has actually carried off a 3D RED shoot flawlessly.  We gained plenty of insight along the way and share both our observations and future recommendations in the White Paper.

~ by postfilm on January 3, 2011.

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